adult educashion senter

Posted: Sep 22, 2010 by Kade in

Wel, im going to b fenishing hi skool soon. 2day I'm going to the adult educashion senter to take the asesment test 4 my GED. Im glad my pearents tuaght me so well to reed and rite and stuf. And I'm also hapy to b done wiht hi-skool and stuf so i can phocus on other things. Lord wiling im also goeng 2 b geting a job soon so i can mak som mony for mishions traning.

So pleeze pray 4 me, the test shood b prety easy, but it woodnt hurt to pray!


  1. Hayden says:

    you need some help man? haha JK !!!!!!!!!! :)

  1. kwinn says:

    Yeah yu seriously need to get som help with yor spelling.
    Oh and I really liked the carousel thingy, I thought that was really funny...

  1. Hayley says: how much longer did it take you to type it all out like that!? :) That's funny!

  1. hope says:

    haha! This made my day! :) Cool blog, by the way.

  1. Dad says:

    I'm prowd ov u sun!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Here's a tip for the math section... 5 out of 4 homeschoolers have trouble with fractions....
    btw...the funny thing is, we all could still understand what you were saying so, Hey, why worry about the details?!?