sorry about that
Posted: Sep 28, 2010 by Kade inI'm so sorry about not answering your questions Rachel and Bleah! I totally forgot... every time I posted.
So one question was:
What happened to Life Savior? -Rachel
"Life Savior" was an old blog I used to post on with a few friends. Well, it's kinda obvious what happened about to it Rachel! The other dudes stopped posting; I didn't. So, I started this blog. I haven't posted on "Life Savior" since, because there's no one who gets on there, and most bloggers who used to follow me on that blog, now follow me here.
And the other question was this:
Who in the Bible do you most see yourself like now? And who do you aspire to be? -Bleah
Man, that's a tough question! I guess I'm most like the devil aspiring to be like Jesus. ;)
Sorry if you didn't see the pictures in the last post. I will try again.
wow those are definetly two complete opposites! Great answers though. :)
Bleah Briann