about me

Posted: Sep 17, 2010 by Kade in

1. LONG comments.
2. The smell of asphalt when the rain just starts to fall.
3. lowercase titles.
4. Chocolate chip pancakes.
5. Video games.
6. Ultimate Frisbee!!!
7. Cultures.
8. Water/swimming!
9. T-shirts, athletic shorts, and sandals.
10. Playing music.
11. Jesus music. (Lecrae, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Ambassador)
12. Money!!
13. Movies of all kinds!
14. Emails/texts/comments!!
15. You!!

Some things I love:
1. Jesus!!
2. Missions!!
3. Family!!
4. Friends!!
5. Church!!

Haha, this was fun! Sorry about being so "spiritual" on the things I love, but it's true. :) Hey, If you have any questions for me, I'll answer them in the next post! Just no stupid "anonymous" questions.

btw. To see some more pictures of Cali, go here.


  1. Mia says:

    I must agree... Ultimate Frisbee ROCKS! :)

  1. ajfcello says:

    Ultimate Frisbee and swimming are both SO totally awesome!!! : ) Ever tried sausage pancakes? : ) UM! So if you like athletic shorts and t-shirts...do you like running?

  1. Eldarwen says:

    I love Jesus music too. :) And sandals, but mine are different since I'm a girl. :P

    I hate texting. I tell all my friends "If you wanna ask me something or get ahold of me, call me. I'm not texting you." lol :D I have one friend who keeps texting me anyways. >_<

    Oooh, I'll be clicking that link! ;)

  1. Madison says:

    I wish there was a like button to this post! Because I would for sure use it!

  1. Rachel says:

    hey, I've got a question for ya... what happened to Life Savior? You know, you SAID on one of the last posts on it that you would still post on that blog. I mean, it's not ALL your fault :) I tried getting Nick to post. But I mean... it was probably one of my most favorite blogs ever!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Rach.



  1. Rachel says:

    Hey Kole, I could ask you the same question. I mean really, you just stopped posting and never gave any explanation! :) WHAT HAPPENED?!?!