Where are all da guys?
Where are da guys that once stood up so straight and tall?
Who stood their ground and did not fall?
Where are da guys who so heatedly toiled?
As the sweat from their forehead fell to the soil?
Where are all da guys before the video games came?
When all their souls were then which claimed?
Where are all the guys on blogger?
Playing Call of Duty or the lovely Frogger?
Where are da guys who work in our organization, TfO?
How come only girls are excited about this, and all da guys are foes?
Fe-fi-fo-fum, where are all da englishmon?
Before b-ball, and football and every-other-sport came on?
Huh? Huh? Where are all da guys?
Who once wore suits and ties?
Who are getting fat on burgers and fries?
Who once were good and wise?
Where are all da lads?
Chasing chicks, or talking ta their dads?
(i know, horrible ryhme)
Where are all the fellow missionaries?
I heard that 2/3rds are upright ladies.
That's what I'm a askin'! Where are all da men?
At home with their families or down in their dens?
And what about da boys?
Are they doing work or playing wit toys? (and making a lot o' noise)
Where are all da Christian dudes?
Drinking soda and eating foods?
Yo homey, where are all da males?
Checkin' facebook and emails?
So where are all of dem?
Is there hope, or are they condemned?
Well it don't matter 'cause no guys are reading this anyways.
But if you ever do find a guy, tell him to read this!
written by yours truely
(don't mind the bad ryhmes :)
*Stay tuned tomorrow to hear Kade's post:
"and now about da ladies"*... just joking