Livin' it

Posted: Jan 11, 2010 by Kade in

Just wanted to share with you guys a few thoughts from Pastor's message yesterday.

His message was titled: Being Jesus to the World in 2010, and it was a great message for the 'Fighters of 2010'. The 'main idea was that we need to be living what we teach! The unbelieving world looks at Christian's as puffed up people who think they're better than they really are! Not as self-sacrificing servants! That is a huge problem! So when people look at your life, do they see Jesus? When Jesus died for us, and then accended into heaven, he left us to carry out his work! God uses his believers to impact the world, have you ever thought about that?

So our pastor had 5. 'points', but I'll only share with you the last three:
3. Showing good works, not just saying good words.
4. Go and be the church, not just come and see the church. (wahoo, I love that one!)
5. Inspiring a community, not just inhabiting the corner. (this means that we are not to just be sitting in our building, we need to be reaching out to people!)

So I'll end with this last thought that Pastor Dave gave:
"We need to go out with the good news in one hand, and good works in the other."

may God bless you big time!


  1. That is exactly what we need to be doing, but yet not all of us do that.

  1. Josh says:

    It sounds like it was a great message!

    Be the Church...That's good. So many people think that the building where Christians meet is the "church", when it's actually the Christians themselves that are the church!!

    I love the quote: "We need to go out with the good news in one hand, and good works in the other" Hey, do you think that we could work that into the mission for "the organization"???

    I can't wait for you to drop the bomb =)