My 8 year old brother hunts for poisonous snakes then he kills them and he puts them in a jar.like big snakes.very sick.
I don't know what it means, I'm going to take it down because of that very reason!
I'm so glad I wasn't with you guys... I hate snakes! :) It was fun bowling with you all though :)
I thought you mite like this
sorry i did't spell might right.but seriously this guy is so good.
What kind was it? Here, we have all these Garter Snakes that live right next to the fence posts in the pastures. My siblings, Caleb(8), Anna(5), and Natalie(3), just love to "hunt"(capture) them. Their latest adventures include catching frogs around the pond and ditches.
What is it with boys and reptiles? Are we just trying to take revenge for when the serpent tempted Eve in Eden?
p.s. Regarding my last comment on your "oBnoXIous" post, I would be really interested in hearing what exactly Obnoxious means/ or what it means to you etc...<><