I can take over the world with: _______

Posted: Aug 23, 2010 by Kade in

Okay, so here's something fun! Vote on the poll and then explain in a comment how you will take over the world with one of the following:

a dairy cow and lance
chuck norris
a toothpick

And then we'll see who is the most talented! (and creative!). And I will post the winner's explanation. Although.... It'll probably be my own... (that's right, I just insulted you. now start yours!)


  1. *ahem* *bleah steps on her soap box*

    I could take over the world with Switchfoot... why? Because Jon is beautiful and Tim is beautiful-er. Not only that but they sing. Ain't that just amazing??? Yeah, of course I could take over the world with them.... yeah the other band members are pretty cool too.

    But honestly, I believe that I could take over the world with SF. Because If I could just get people to listen to the lyrics, I mean really listen to the lyrics I think we could really turn this world around for the better. To give up yourself and believe in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. The music and the lifestyle of these guys is an amazing example for all of us as sinners, who need to find grace at the cross. We all go through struggles but Jesus is always there to pick us up and turn us around. I serve a God of the second chance and with SF to help me spread the word I think I could definetly take over the world.

    With Love and Blessings,
    Bleah Briann

  1. Kade says:

    I will begin my inviting all the leaders of the world to a banana split evening party (which are starting to become popular) and once they have eaten their fill, I will use the leftover bananas as boomerangs, knocking them down one by one. then proclaim myself as king of the world.

    disclaimer: the guards will have to be disposed of beforehand using fresh-looking knock-out-powder-filled bananas.

    warning: if the word gets out about this fake party, or if the bananas turn brown and oozy... it would result in folly to continue.

  1. Kade says:


    but man, you were wicked fast! you even commented yours before mine!

  1. kwinn says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  1. Eldarwen says:

    I'd use love. I'd make everyone love each other (as in friendly love), then the world would be a better place. :)

    Bananas as boomerangs is pretty wicked, though... wish I'd have thought of that first...

  1. Kade says:
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  1. kwinn says:
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  1. kwinn says:

    sorry I'm gonna change my answer to a different one. I would choose toothpicks. Yes toothpicks. No I didn't say Chuck Norris, I said TOOTHPICKS! Okay so I'd use that stuff they use in Inception like the stuff that they use to control your dreams, and I'd put it on the tips of my toothpicks and sell them (Assuming that the stuff they use is powder, though maybe its like a machine I don't know I just thought of this and was like whoa I'm gonna beat everyone). I'll make every one dream that when I became President of the whole world then we'd all have peace. Once everyone is loving me I'll begin my takeover of the World! Oh yeah!
    btw kade, this is so much better than yours!

  1. kwinn says:

    Oh wait, does it have to be A toothpick, or can it be multipul toothpicks?
    I don't know if I spelt Multipul right... oh well.

  1. I lose??? really now? haha... if the bananas get all brown and oozy? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? wow...

    With Love and Blessings,
    Bleah Briann

  1. Rachel says:

    Well obviously ponies :) I get a ton of ponies and make them stampede over everyone but me! Then I would be the only person left and there wouldn't be anyone else to challenge me in my epic conquest of taking over the world!!Bwahahaaa!!

  1. Eldarwen says:

    Rachel, but then what would be the point in taking over the world?

  1. Nate says:

    a dairy cow and lance!!!! I would win because my dairy cow is better than yours!!!!!!!!.... =P

  1. Rachel says:

    I have no idea :) But I thought it was better than knocking out the leaders of the world with bananas..

  1. Hahahaha... yeah ponies is better then bananas but then I don't think it would be anymore fun. You see... SF is the answer. ;)

  1. Hayden says:

    I would feed all the world leaders lots of meatloaf and then deprive them of their precious toothpicks!!! hahahahahahaha :) My sister doesn't think it will work:P

  1. Eldarwen says:

    No. Kade's banana boomerang idea is the best. Sry, but it's true.

  1. Rachel says:

    Hahaha well.... it might've been good, but I do think yours is the best, Eldarwen :)

  1. ajfcello says:

    Well I tried posting a comment before...but it didn't work.
    I'd go with a dairy cow and a lance. But I wouldn't win 'because my dairy cow is better than yours'. lol! Though I would have a holstien because....well....because I say so!! So, obviously, I'd have tons of milk. (You farmers out there will know) lol! So here's my strategy.
    First, I'd set up a tent with a walled off room in the back. I'd do huge advertising, telling everyone that if you can drink 10 cups of milk in 7 minutes, you get a giant surprise. (And really, that's no easy feat, let me tell ya.) : ) So, one by one, all my unsuspecting victims would come in, get bloated with milk and when their so delirious they can't tell the time of day, I'd impale them. Not pretty but.....

  1. I'm in love with Haydens idea... can I steal it???

  1. When do we know the winner??? Hayden should win... just saying. His was the best. *ahem* but you're was a close second Kade, don't worry. ;)

    LOL, let me know!
