middle-school physc

Posted: Dec 3, 2010 by Kade in

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, things are kinda crazy over here...

Yesterday we got to put on a little program for a middle school, and that was a bunch of fun! Nathan, our drummer bailed!! So I attempted to play in his stead (without practicing the songs beforehand)... and it wasn't bad. We also played dodge ball with giant marshmallows, and my brother got a nice shot on me. :(
Haha, we also had a fog machine that we flipped on when we did an acoustic Christmas set. Guess whos idea that was? Haha, it was so much fun with the kids!


  1. anna :) says:

    sounds like ya'll had a blast! :) haha, me & some of my friends just had a marshmallow war about a week or so ago! we used guns made outta of pvc pipe. it was intese ;)

    although i think we ate more than we shot. oh well!

    -anna :)

  1. Hayley says:

    That was beast....:)