Ecuador PREP

Posted: Nov 2, 2010 by Kade in

So... I've been busy!! (isn't everybody?) And it's definitely time for another post.

Well, for those of you who didn't remember...

I'm leaving for Ecuador on Thursday!!
Na- na- na- dda- dda! And I. am. stoked! And yes, of course I will be posting pictures!

But I'm really treasuring this time that I have... to learn juggling!! Na- na- na! And Spanish! And dentistry!!

Golly, I'm seriously dancing while typing this post, I'm so excited.

I prayed for Ecuador today and yesterday through Operation World!! And it was amazing!!

btw. Nathan's foot is doing much better, due to some amazing work that God decided to do with or without our prayers.

Be praying for me!!

And... last Saturday, we had The Most Epic Car Wash Ever!!
Check out my peeps! Don't they all look great!?
God blessed our work so much, and gave us $475 at the car wash for Teens for Orphans!! I'm so glad I've got all these awesome, godly friends!

To see some more of Hayley's pics from the car wash, go to her blog!


  1. Christine says:

    Praying for you! Have a great (and safe!!) trip!

  1. C says:

    I am excited just hearing about it!! Praying for you!

  1. LOL I thought I saw you in Hayley's pictures. :) Have fun!!!! We will definetly be praying for you!

    Much Love,

  1. anna :) says:

    i'll definitely be praying! even though i must admit to some jealously:)

    God bless!:)