you'd better comment on this one
Posted: May 3, 2010 by Kade in
you've got a point though...
I can probably find myself a little one around here....
Just so you know, I really do read all your posts! But usually I'm trying to make the time I spend on the internet as short as possible, so that's why I don't comment too much.
Okay then, I'm going to comment on those serious posts right now! =)
Wow. That deserves a comment-- of some sort. Here's my comment:
2 Corinthians 11:1 (NIV)
I hope you will put up with a little of my foolishness; but you are already doing that.
'Nuff said. =D
Woah Kade.....
Okay, okay... I'll try to start commenting again :)
what an embarrassing question.
i can see why you're anonymous.
yeah... i didn't know i could stick my tongue out so far either.
so make it known; it is not a hot dog.
Well, just becuase people don't comment on the posts doesn't mean that they don't like it or anything. I read them and try to apply them, but sometimes I just don't feel like commenting. :) I don't know if that's what others feel, but that's just me. :)
Funny picture btw...
I read all of your blog posts. If I'm on the road, I read them from my cell phone. KK? And that picture is creeping me out. I'm in agreement with Beka, and I thought the same thing as Anonymous. I'll try to comment on some serious posts.... ;D
How could I resist? I HAD to leave a comment on the goofy post that you told me I had to leave a comment on! I know what you mean... serious posts are harder to leave comments on. ha!
Well, you got a lot here! Good thinkin'! Oh, and awesome picture!
BAHAHAHHA...oh Kade. I have an excuse though...I was studying for finals! =)
I'm only commenting because Lynnette told me to and I do everything she tells me too...well as long as she holds a juicer out in front of me like a carrot anyway.
p.s Great blog (not all that girly)! Looking forward to browsing a bit and looking at Teens 4 Orphans.
Laughter's good medicine. Thanks for the morning dose :)
A momma who thinks yer eyes are beautiful :)
I'm here from crazy Lynnette's. I'll be telling my boys to visit.
Fight the good fight brother!
Haha, I looked at the comments and was about to let you know how successful you were in getting comments on this post. But then as I scroll down I find hald of them are yours. :P
With Love and Blessings,
Bleah Briann
Okay. I'm commenting.
And I though maybe I commented on one of those serious posts....maybe I was distracted. Sorry.
Well, what a picture to post.
How about one of you holding a baby? Then we could comment on how cute the baby is. And not really how laser-like your eyes are. LOL.