hot cocoa?

Posted: Nov 28, 2010 by Kade in

Wow, what a busy week!! I'm sure all of you are wiped too!
One special thing that we did last week was hand out hot chocolate to people waiting in line on Black Friday. And it was a ton of fun, even though it was cold!!

What'd you all do for Thanksgiving?? Anybody get a deal Friday??


Posted: Nov 25, 2010 by Kade in

Here's 20 real things I'm thankful for:

My church!
Christain music! / Rap
High School Diplomas!
The ability to play music!
My family / extended family!
Big bibles! :)
Far away friends.
Facebook / email.
Puzzle Pirates.
My youth faith family at Faith Journey!!
Perspectives coming up next year!!
The ability to be fit... a lot of people don't have that.
Movies of all kinds!
Mountain Dew / Sprite / Vault / Any soda.
Sunny days.
Warm beds in which you don't get bit.
Forgiveness from God and others.

Hey, you should post 20 things too!!! Even if after Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Ecuador 2010

Posted: Nov 23, 2010 by Kade in

Thank you Hayden, Lexi, and Caroline, for posting on my blog!! You guys are amazing!

Man, the trip to Ecuador was crazy!!

After spending two days in the capitol gathering people and supplies, we loaded up the 40 foot canoe with all our baggage, medical/dental equipment, and ourselves. (Unfortunately, on the eight hour trip down the river, I sat next to two ladies who didn't give me much room... I had half a cheek on the miniature bench. That hurts.) After a long ride down we stopped at a community in the jungle. The highlights of that community was playing 3-man-volleyball with some of the guys in the community, going hunting with Pedro, gathering euka (a root we ate with every meal), and spending time with the kids in our class that Nathan and I put on with Sandro. Number of bites on my left leg at this time: 133.
[Pedro killed it; not me]

Then we traveled up river to our second village. The highlights of this community was... playing soccer with a bunch of guys there, and that 3-liter of Coke. Number of bites on my left leg at this time: 160.

Back up there river to our third community, the highlights there were: the house we were staying in, and fishing. Number of bites on my left leg at this time: Unknown.

Back up the river to our forth community. The highlights there were: playing with the kids and teaching them games, driving a stick-shift truck and a motorcycle, finding the lack of a table and then going out into the jungle to cut down a tree to make one, and pancakes. Number of bites on my left leg at this time: 270.

Worst part about the trip:

Choking down the grubs. I tried eat one to show appreciation and love to the people there, but unfortunately I gagged like four times and then threw it up. But at least I gave it my best shot, right? After thinking about it a bit, I figured that it wasn't my best shot, because my best would be having another one. And so, by God's grace, I choked down another one.... that stayed down.

Since you probably have some questions for me, I'll try and answer them in the next post!

Until the whole world hears,



Posted: Nov 20, 2010 by Kade in

And it's good to be back!

More later.

Make Them Remember...

Posted: Nov 12, 2010 by Unknown in

Hey Ya'll, this is Caroline and Kade has asked me, along with some others, to post on his blog while he's in Ecudaor...that's really funny to me because until about 3 weeks ago, i hadn't posted on my own blog for 6 months...oh well...

Anyway, this is verse from Isaiah that i read recently and thought was really appropriate to missions and what kade and nathan are up to...

   And in that day you will say,
         "Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name
         Make known His deeds among the peoples;
         Make them remember that His name is exalted." 
   Praise the LORD in song, for He has done excellent things;
         Let this be known throughout the earth.

 Anyway, i think it's awesome how it says, "Make them remember..." because it says "make" everything we do will "make" them look to God and know that "He has done excellent things"!  We, as Christian's, should be living our lives in a way that makes it obvious we are different from the rest of the in all we do, we should "make His deeds known among the peoples"!!

Anyway, not 100% sure if i tied all my thoughts together there....but in closing, i'd just like to encourage you guys to continue praying for kade and nathan and all the others that are on the trip with them.  They're doing amazing things for the Lord!!

Philly's Sudden Opera at Macy's

Posted: Nov 11, 2010 by Lexi in

Hey everyone! Lexi here...again.

Since Kade is all about the random stuff in life and we all know he loves to share some cool videos on his blog, I decided to post this video someone emailed me today. Hope you enjoy it!

Prayers for Kade

Posted: Nov 10, 2010 by Lexi in

Hey guys! Lexi here.

Just wanted to remind you all to keep on praying for Kade while he is in Ecuador!! He is probably having the time of his life, but keep in mind that the enemy REALLY does not like what they are doing down there. So keep praying for safety, wisdom, and heath for Kade and all of the others that went with him!


Posted: Nov 9, 2010 by Hayden in

Hey peeps this is hilarious!!! For those of u who don't know who this is, it's Lecrae... he's a Christian rapper. :)

Hey.... where's Kade?

Posted: Nov 4, 2010 by Hayden in

Hey Everybody,

Kade and Nathan are gone!!!!!! :'(

The guys left for Ecuador this morning so if you could pray for them they would appreciate it. First of all pray they will be safe on the trip, and second of all pray they will be a light to the people of Ecuador.


Hayden from

ecuador PREP II

Posted: Nov 3, 2010 by Kade in

Man, I am so excited about our trip!! Yesterday, we finished up a lot of what I needed to accomplish. Including getting 3 shots.

I leave early tomorrow! It's crazy.

So I'd love you guys to pray for me, because I really need it. I took a prayer walk this morning and these were my topics:

1. That this trip wouldn't be about me, but that I would be content and excited to "play the background".
2. Health/Safety
3. That I would be humble.
4. That I would be a shining light representing Christ in my life.
and I'll also add
5. That I would be gracious to my mother who out of love is helping me pack.

Also, I've got a surprise for you all!! I've got a few friends who I invited to post on my blog while I'm gone! They are all very cool people, so check back for some sweet posts!

Goodbye everyone, see you in a few weeks.

Ecuador PREP

Posted: Nov 2, 2010 by Kade in

So... I've been busy!! (isn't everybody?) And it's definitely time for another post.

Well, for those of you who didn't remember...

I'm leaving for Ecuador on Thursday!!
Na- na- na- dda- dda! And I. am. stoked! And yes, of course I will be posting pictures!

But I'm really treasuring this time that I have... to learn juggling!! Na- na- na! And Spanish! And dentistry!!

Golly, I'm seriously dancing while typing this post, I'm so excited.

I prayed for Ecuador today and yesterday through Operation World!! And it was amazing!!

btw. Nathan's foot is doing much better, due to some amazing work that God decided to do with or without our prayers.

Be praying for me!!

And... last Saturday, we had The Most Epic Car Wash Ever!!
Check out my peeps! Don't they all look great!?
God blessed our work so much, and gave us $475 at the car wash for Teens for Orphans!! I'm so glad I've got all these awesome, godly friends!

To see some more of Hayley's pics from the car wash, go to her blog!